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Interaction of the $Θ^+$ with the nuclear medium

M. J. Vicente Vacas, D. Cabrera, Q. B. Li, V. K. Magas, E. Oset

Published 2004-10-13Version 1

We study the selfenergy of the $\Theta^+$ pentaquark in nuclei associated with two types of interaction: the KN decay of the $\Theta^+$ and two meson baryon decay channels of the $\Theta^+$. Whereas the potential related to the first source is quite weak, the second kind of interaction produces a large and attractive potential that could lead to the existence of $\Theta^+$ nuclear bound states.

Comments: 8 pages, 6 figurs, talk presented at the International Workshop PENTAQUARK04 July 20-23, 2004, SPring-8, Japan
Categories: nucl-th
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