Relativistic Hartree approach with exact treatment of vacuum polarization for finite nuclei
Akihiro Haga, Setsuo Tamenaga, Hiroshi Toki, Yataro Horikawa
Published 2004-08-27, updated 2004-09-04Version 2
We study the relativistic Hartree approach with the exact treatment of the vacuum polarization in the Walecka sigma-omega model. The contribution from the vacuum polarization of nucleon-antinucleon field to the source term of the meson fields is evaluated by performing the energy integrals of the Dirac Green function along the imaginary axis. With the present method of the vacuum polarization in finite system, the total binding energies and charge radii of 16O and 40Ca can be reproduced. On the other hand, the level-splittings in the single-particle level, in particular the spin-orbit splittings, are not described nicely because the inclusion of vacuum effect provides a large effective mass with small meson fields. We also show that the derivative expansion of the effective action which has been used to calculate the vacuum contribution for finite nuclei gives a fairly good approximation.