Description of the Collective States in 160Dy
V. P. Garistov, A. A Solnyshkin, J. Adam, V. G. Kalinnikov
Published 2004-08-03Version 1
The 160Dy nucleus is classified as deformed nucleus (\beta=0.23) and has quite a complicated scheme of excited states. By now it has been quite well studied experimentally in nuclear reactions, Coulomb excitation, and \beta decays of 160Tb and 160m,gHo. Our recent investigation of the decay 160Er ->160m,gHo ->160Dy has made it possible to expand considerably the scheme of excited 160Dy states and to correlate the reaction and \beta-decay data. Over a hundred new levels are added to the previously known excited states in the 160m,gHo ->160Dy decay scheme. In this paper a theoretical analysis of the experimental data of the spectrum of excited states in 160Dy is presented. The Interacting Vector Boson Model (IVBM) [3] has been applied for classification of low lying collective excited states with Jp =0+,2+,4+,6+ and also for description of the ground, beta, gamma and octupole bands energies.