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Coulomb corrections for quasielastic (e,e') scattering: eikonal approximation

Andreas Aste, Kai Hencken, Juerg Jourdan, Ingo Sick, Dirk Trautmann

Published 2004-03-16, updated 2004-08-06Version 3

We address the problem of including Coulomb distortion effects in inclusive quasielastic (e,e') reactions using the eikonal approximation. Our results indicate that Coulomb corrections may become large for heavy nuclei for certain kinematical regions. The issues of our model are presented in detail and the results are compared to calculations of the Ohio group, where Dirac wave functions were used both for electrons and nucleons. Our results are in good agreement with those obtained by exact calculations.

Comments: 29 pages, 10 figures, LATEX (elsart.cls). Final version to be published
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A743 (2004) 259-282
Categories: nucl-th
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