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Novel effects of electromagnetic interaction on the correlation of nucleons in nuclear matter

Ji-sheng Chen, Jia-rong Li, Meng Jin

Published 2004-02-05, updated 2005-02-18Version 3

The electromagnetic(EM) interactions between charged protons on the correlations of nucleons are discussed by introducing the Anderson-Higgs mechanism of broken U(1) EM symmetry into the relativistic nuclear theory with a parametric photon mass. The non-saturating Coulomb force contribution is emphasized on the equation of state of nuclear matter with charge symmetry breaking(CSB) at finite temperature and the breached $^1S_0$ pairing correlations of proton-proton and neutron-neutron. The universal properties given by an order parameter field with a non-zero vacuum expectation value (VEV) nearby phase transition are explored within the mean field theory(MFT) level. This mechanism can be extended to the charged or charge neutralized strongly coupling multi-components system for the discussion of binding or pairing issues.

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figues, revised according to comments; improved with typos corrected and updated references added; final published version in Phys. Lett. B
Journal: Phys.Lett. B608 (2005) 39-46
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