Nonextensive statistical effects on the relativistic nuclear equation of state
A. Drago, A. Lavagno, P. Quarati
Published 2003-12-24Version 1
Following the basic prescriptions of the Tsallis' nonextensive thermodynamics, we study the relativistic nonextensive thermodynamics and the equation of state for a perfect gas at the equilibrium. The obtained results are used to study the relativistic nuclear equation of state in the hadronic and in the quark-gluon plasma phase. We show that small deviations from the standard extensive statistics imply remarkable effects into the shape of the equation of state.
Comments: Contribution to International Workshop on: Trends and Perspectives in Extensive and Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics (in Honour to the q-60th Birthday of Constantino Tsallis) November 19-21, 2003, Angra dos Reis, Brazil. 8 pages including 2 figures
Journal: Physica A344 (2004) 472-477
Categories: nucl-th, cond-mat.stat-mech
Keywords: relativistic nuclear equation, nonextensive statistical effects, quark-gluon plasma phase, relativistic nonextensive thermodynamics, perfect gas
Tags: journal article
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