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Deuteron Distribution in Nuclei and in Correlated Nuclear Matter

Alexei Yu. Illarionov

Published 2003-12-20Version 1

We compute the distribution of quasideuterons in doubly closed shell nuclei and infinite correlated nuclear matter. The ground states of $^{16}$O and $^{40}$Ca are described in $ls$ coupling using a realistic hamiltonian including the Argonne $v_{8}^\prime$ and the Urbana IX models of two-- and three--nucleon potentials, respectively. The nuclear wave function contains central and tensor correlations, and correlated basis functions theory is used to evaluate the distribution of neutron-proton pairs, having the deuteron quantum numbers, as a function of their total momentum. By computing the number of deuteron--like pairs we are able to extract the Levinger's factor and compare to both the available experimental data and the predictions of the local density approximation, based on nuclear matter estimates. The agreement with the experiments is excellent, whereas the local density approximation is shown to sizably overestimate the Levinger's factor in the region of the medium nuclei.

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures, contribution to the 6th workshop on "Electromagnetically Induced Two-Hadron Emission", Pavia, September 24-27, 2003
Categories: nucl-th
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