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Pairing in nuclear systems with effective Gogny and V_low-k interactions

Armen Sedrakian, T. T. S. Kuo, Herbert Müther, Peter Schuck

Published 2003-08-25, updated 2004-04-23Version 3

The pairing properties of nuclear systems are a sensitive probe of the effective nucleon-nucleon interactions. We compare the 1S0 pairing gaps in nuclear and neutron matter derived from the phenomenological Gogny interaction and a renormalization group motivated low-momentum V_low-k interaction extracted from realistic interactions. We find that the pairing gaps predicted by these interactions are in an excellent agreement in a wide range of sub-nuclear densities. The close agreement between the predictions of the effective forces remains intact in the case where the single particle spectra in neutron and nuclear matter are renormalized within the Hartree-Fock theory.

Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures, uses elsart.sty; v2: references added, Brueckner calculations for the V_low-k spectrum; v3: author name correction
Journal: Phys.Lett. B576 (2003) 68-74
Categories: nucl-th
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