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Resonance Contributions to $η$ Photoproduction on Protons Found Using Dispersion Relations and an Isobar Model

I. G. Aznauryan

Published 2003-06-26Version 1

The contributions of the resonances $D_{13}(1520)$, $S_{11}(1535)$, $S_{11}(1650)$, $D_{15}(1675)$, $F_{15}(1680)$, $D_{13}(1700)$, $P_{11}(1710)$, $P_{13}(1720)$ to $\gamma p\to \eta p$ are found from the data on cross sections, beam and target asymmetries using two approaches: fixed-t dispersion relations and an isobar model. Utilization of the two approaches and comparison of the results obtained with different parametrizations of the resonance contributions allowed us to make conclusions about the model-dependence of these contributions. We conclude that the results for the contributions of the resonances $D_{13}(1520)$, $S_{11}(1535)$, $F_{15}(1680)$ to corresponding multipole amplitudes are stable. With this the results for $D_{13}(1520)$ and $F_{15}(1680)$, combined with their PDG photoexcitation helicity amplitudes, allowed us to find the branching ratios $Br (D_{13}(1520)\to \eta N)=0.05\pm 0.02%$, $Br (F_{15}(1680)\to \eta N)=0.16\pm0.04%$ which have significantly better accuracy than the PDG data. The total Breit-Wigner width of the $S_{11}(1535)$ is model-dependent, we have obtained $\Gamma (S_{11}(1520))=142 MeV$ and $195 MeV$ using dispersion relations and the isobar model, respectively. The results for the $S_{11}(1650)$, $D_{15}(1675)$, $P_{11}(1710)$, $P_{13}(1720)$ are model dependent, only the signs and orders of magnitude of their contributions to multipole amplitudes are determined. The results for the $D_{13}(1700)$ are strongly model-dependent.

Comments: 26 pages, 6 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. C68 (2003) 065204
Categories: nucl-th
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