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Relevance of pseudospin symmetry in proton-nucleus scattering

H. Leeb, S. A. Sofianos

Published 2003-04-03, updated 2003-10-06Version 3

The manifestation of pseudospin-symmetry in proton-nucleus scattering is discussed. Constraints on the pseudospin-symmetry violating scattering amplitude are given which require as input cross section and polarization data, but no measurements of the spin rotation function. Application of these constraints to p-58Ni and p-208Pb scattering data in the laboratory energy range of 200 MeV to 800 MeV, reveals a significant violation of the symmetry at lower energies and a weak one at higher energies. Using a schematic model within the Dirac phenomenology, the role of the Coulomb potential in proton-nucleus scattering with regard to pseudospin symmetry is studied. Our results indicate that the existence of pseudospin-symmetry in proton-nucleus scattering is questionable in the whole energy region considered and that the violation of this symmetry stems from the long range nature of the Coulomb interaction.

Comments: 22 pages including 9 figures, correction of 1 reference, revision of abstract and major modification of chapter 4, Fig. 6, and Fig. 7; addition of Fig. 8 and Fig. 9
Journal: Phys.Rev. C69 (2004) 054608
Categories: nucl-th
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