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(ΩΩ)_{0^+} dibaryon productions in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energy \sqrt {s_{NN}} =130GeV

X. -M. Xu, P. Wang, Y. W. Yu

Published 2002-04-18, updated 2002-07-18Version 2

Based on the measured transverse mass spectra of \pi^-, K^- and \bar p at the RHIC energy \sqrt {s_{NN}} =130GeV, di-omega productions from baryon-baryon reactions in hadronic matter are studied. Results about the (\Omega \Omega)_{0^+} total number per event show that the deeply bound state (\Omega \Omega)_{0^+} can be observed at RHIC energies.

Comments: 15 pages, 4 eps-figures, added references
Journal: Commun.Theor.Phys. 38 (2002) 483-488
Categories: nucl-th
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