Mass Dependence of M3Y-Type Interactions and the Effects of Tensor Correlations
J. O. Fiase, K. R. S. Devan, A. Hosaka
Published 2002-04-03Version 1
The mass dependence of the M3Y-type effective interactions and the effects of tensor correlations are examined. Two-body nuclear matrix elements are obtained by the lowest order constrained variational (LOCV) technique with and without tensor correlations. We have found that the tensor correlations are important especially in the triplet-even (TE) and tensor-even (TNE) channels in order to reproduce the G-matrix elements obtained previously. Then M3Y-type potentials for inelastic scattering are obtained by fitting our two-body matrix elements to those of a sum of Yukawa functions for the mass numbers A=24, A=40 and A=90.
Comments: 13 pages, 6 tables
Journal: Phys.Rev. C66 (2002) 014004
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: tensor correlations, mass dependence, m3y-type interactions, two-body nuclear matrix elements, two-body matrix elements
Tags: journal article
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