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Relativistic calculation of nuclear transparency in (e,e'p) reactions

Andrea Meucci

Published 2001-11-28Version 1

Nuclear transparency in (e,e'p) reactions is evaluated in a fully relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation model. The relativistic mean field theory is used for the bound state and the Pauli reduction for the scattering state, which is calculated from a relativistic optical potential. Results for selected nuclei are displayed in a Q^2 range between 0.3 and 1.8 (GeV/c)^2 and compared with recent electron scattering data. For Q^2 = 0.3 (GeV/c)^2 the results are lower than data; for higher Q^2 they are in reasonable agreement with data. The sensitivity of the model to different prescriptions for the one-body current operator is investigated. The off-shell ambiguities are rather large for the distorted cross sections and small for the plane wave cross sections.

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