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From Light Nuclei to Nuclear Matter. The Role of Relativity?

F. Coester

Published 2001-11-08Version 1

The success of non-relativistic quantum dynamics in accounting for the binding energies and spectra of light nuclei with masses up to A=10 raises the question whether the same dynamics applied to infinite nuclear matter agrees with the empirical saturation properties of large nuclei.The simple unambiguous relation between few-nucleon and many-nucleon Hamiltonians is directly related to the Galilean covariance of nonrelativistic dynamics. Relations between the irreducible unitary representations of the Galilei and Poincare groups indicate thatthe ``nonrelativistic'' nuclear Hamiltonians may provide sufficiently accurate approximations to Poincare invariant mass operators. In relativistic nuclear dynamics based on suitable Lagrangeans the intrinsic nucleon parity is an explicit, dynamically relevant, degree of freedom and the emphasis is on properties of nuclear matter. The success of this approach suggests the question how it might account for the spectral properties of light nuclei.

Comments: conference proceedings "The 11th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories" to be published by World Scientific
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys. B17 (2003) 5327-5336
Categories: nucl-th
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