Prolate dominance of nuclear shape caused by a strong interference between the effects of spin-orbit and l^2 terms of the Nilsson potential
Published 2001-03-23Version 1
The origin of the dominance of prolate shapes over oblate ones of the ground states of atomic nuclei is investigated with the Nilsson-Strutinsky method. The number of prolate nuclei among all the deformed even-even nuclei is calculated as a function of the strengths of the spin-orbit and the l^2 terms of the Nilsson potential. The latter simulates a square-well like radial profile of the mean potential. The ratio of prolate nuclei is 86% with the standard strengths corresponding to the actual atomic nuclei. By weakening the spin-orbit potential, the ratio oscillates strongly, having a local minimum value of 45% with a half of the standard strength and a local maximum value of 78% without the spin-orbit potential.