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Higher order effects in electromagnetic dissociation of neutron halo nuclei

S. Typel, G. Baur

Published 2001-01-16Version 1

We investigate higher order effects in electromagnetic dissociation of neutron halo nuclei using a simple and realistic zero range model for the neutron-core interaction. In the sudden (or Glauber) approximation all orders in the target-core interaction are taken into account. Small deviations from the sudden approximation are readily calculated. We obtain very simple analytical results for the next-to-leading order effects, which have a simple physical interpretation. For intermediate energy electromagnetic dissociation, higher order effects are generally small. We apply our model to Coulomb dissociation of $^{19}$C at 67 A MeV. The analytical results are compared to numerical results from the integration of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation. Good agreement is obtained. We conclude that higher order electromagnetic effects are well under control.

Comments: 11 pages, ReVTeX, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Phys.Rev. C64 (2001) 024601
Categories: nucl-th
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