Kaon production at subthreshold and threshold energies
Jörg Aichelin, Christoph Hartnack
Published 2000-11-14Version 1
We summarize what we have learnt about the kaon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions in the last decade. We will address three questions: a) Is the $K^+$ production sensitive to the nuclear equation of state? b) How can it happen that at the same excess energy the same number of $K^+$ and $K^-$ are produced in heavy ion collisions although the elementary cross section in pp collisions differs by orders of magnitudes? and c) Why kaons don't flow?
Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, contribution to Strange Quark Matter 2000
Journal: J.Phys.G27:571-578,2001
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: kaon production, threshold energies, subthreshold, heavy ion collisions, elementary cross section
Tags: journal article
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