Meson Mixing and Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
A. K. Dutt-Mazumder, C. Gale, O. Teodorescu
Published 2000-08-29Version 1
We study the possibility of $\rho-a_0$ mixing via N-N excitations in dense nuclear matter. This mixing is found to induce a peak in the dilepton spectra at an invariant mass equal to that of the $a_0$. We calculate the cross section for dilepton production through mixing and we compare its size with that of $\pi-\pi$ annihilation. In-medium masses and mixing angles are also calculated. Some preliminary results of the mixing effect on the dilepton production rates at finite temperature are also presented.
Comments: To be published in the proceedings of CIPANP 2000
Journal: AIP Conf.Proc.549:369-373,2002
DOI: 10.1063/1.1345276
Keywords: heavy ion collisions, meson mixing, invariant mass equal, dense nuclear matter, dilepton production rates
Tags: journal article
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