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Mean field studies of high-spin properties in the $A\sim 30$ and 60 regions of superdeformation

A. V. Afanasjev, P. Ring, I. Ragnarsson

Published 2000-07-27Version 1

The importance of deformation changes and the possible role of proton-neutron pairing correlations on the properties of paired band crossings at superdeformation in the $A\sim 60$ mass region have been analyzed. The present analysis, supported in part by the cranked relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov calculations for the SD band in $^{60}$Zn, suggests that when going from $^{60}$Zn to neighboring odd nuclei the properties of paired band crossings are strongly influenced by deformation changes. A number of questions related to the superdeformation in the $A\sim 30$ mass region has been studied with the cranked relativistic mean field theory and the configuration-dependent cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky approach.

Comments: the contribution to the Proceedings of the Pingst 2000 International workshop "Selected topics of N=Z nuclei", June 2000, Lund, Sweden, 12 pages including 6 PostScript figures, uses p2000.cls, p2000.sty and epsf
Categories: nucl-th
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