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Effective Field Theory for Dilute Fermi Systems

H. -W. Hammer, R. J. Furnstahl

Published 2000-04-18, updated 2000-10-23Version 3

The virtues of an effective field theory (EFT) approach to many-body problems are illustrated by deriving the expansion for the energy of an homogeneous, interacting Fermi gas at low density and zero temperature. A renormalization scheme based on dimensional regularization with minimal subtraction leads to a more transparent power-counting procedure and diagrammatic expansion than conventional many-body approaches. Coefficients of terms in the expansion with logarithms of the Fermi momentum are determined by the renormalization properties of the EFT that describes few-body scattering. Lessons for an EFT treatment of nuclear matter are discussed.

Comments: 19 pages, RevTeX, 4 ps figures, included using epsf.tex, references added, discussion clarified, typo in eq. (5) corrected
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A678 (2000) 277-294
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