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Logarithmic Operators and Dynamical Extention of The Symmetry Group in the Bosonic SU(2)_0 and SUSY SU(2)_2 WZNW Models

J. -S. Caux, I. Kogan, A. Lewis, A. M. Tsvelik

Published 1996-06-21Version 1

We study the operator product expansion in the bosonic $SU(2)_0$ and SUSY $SU(2)_2$ WZNW models. We find that these OPEs contain both logarithmic operators and new conserved currents, leading to an extension of the symmetry group.

Comments: 16 pages, Latex
Journal: Nucl.Phys. B489 (1997) 469-484
Categories: hep-th
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