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Chiral dynamics of many pion systems: the rho to 4 pi and omega to 5 pi decays

N. N. Achasov, A. A. Kozhevnikov

Published 1999-11-30Version 1

Based on the Weinberg lagrangian or, in a new language, the lagrangian of hidden local symmetry added with the term induced by the anomalous lagrangian of Wess and Zumino, the dynamics of the decays rho to 4 pi and omega to 5 pi is considered. The excitation curves of rho resonance in its decay to 4 pi are obtained for the first time. The comparison with recent CMD-2 data is given. The partial widths of the decays omega to 2 pi^+ 2 pi^- pi^0 and omega to pi^+ pi^-3 pi^0 which can be measured on colliders with luminosity 10^{33}{cm }^{-2}{s}^{-1} are evaluated for the first time.

Comments: LaTeX, 10 pages. Talk presented by N.N. Achasov at Workshop on Physics and Detectors for DAFNE - Frascati, Nov. 16-19, 1999
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex, nucl-th
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