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Neutrino Parameters, Abelian Flavor Symmetries, and Charged Lepton Flavor Violation

Jonathan L. Feng, Yosef Nir, Yael Shadmi

Published 1999-11-16, updated 2000-02-07Version 2

Neutrino masses and mixings have important implications for models of fermion masses, and, most directly, for the charged lepton sector. We consider supersymmetric Abelian flavor models, where neutrino mass parameters are related to those of charged leptons and sleptons. We show that processes such as \tau to \mu\gamma, \mu to e\gamma and \mu-e conversion provide interesting probes. In particular, some existing models are excluded by current bounds, while many others predict rates within reach of proposed near future experiments. We also construct models in which the predicted rates for charged lepton flavor violation are below even the proposed experimental sensitivities, but argue that such models necessarily involve loss of predictive power.

Comments: 27 pages, refs added, published version
Journal: Phys.Rev. D61 (2000) 113005
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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