On the Dynamical Symmetry Breaking of the Electroweak Interactions by the Top Quark
Published 1999-10-21, updated 1999-11-26Version 2
We discuss the electroweak gauge symmetry breaking triggered by a new strong attractive interaction to condensate fermion-antifermion, and topcolor is a prototype. To deal with the fermion pairing, a general method based on the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation in the functional integral approach is used. We derive a formula which relates the $W^\pm$, $Z^0$ weak boson masses to that of the condensated fermion, thus generalizing the Pagels-Stokar formula obtained in QCD. The custodial SU(2) electroweak symmetry turns out to be systematically violated, the deviation of $\rho\equiv M_W^2/(M_Z^2\cos^2\theta_W) $ from unity is related to the new physics scale $\Lambda$. Some phenomenological consequences of the top-pair condensation models are discussed. Distinctive signatures of the $\bar{t}t$ scalar bound state, a Higgs boson like denoted by $H_t$, are the dominant decay modes $H_t\to \Upsilon +\gamma ,$ $H_t\to \Upsilon +Z^0$, and $H_t \to B^* +\bar{B}^*$.