Getting bounds on the mixing angles for a non-sequential bottom quark
R. Martinez, J-Alexis Rodriguez, M. Vargas
Published 1999-09-09, updated 2000-07-18Version 4
We analyze the vertex Zff in the framework of models that add a new bottom quark in a nonsequential way and we evaluate the tree level contribution to LEP/SLC data $R_{b}$, $R_{l}$ and the total Z width $\Gamma_{Z}$. We obtain bounds for the mixing angles through the experimentally allowed contour regions of the parameters $\Lambda_{L,R}$ introduced here. In order to get a more restrictive region, we also consider the experimental results for $B\to \nu \nu X$ as well.
Comments: 5 pages, LateX,1 figure: eps format, 3 tables. Final version, to appear in Physical Review D
Journal: Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 017301
Categories: hep-ph
Tags: journal article
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