Phenomenology of V_ub from Ratios of Inclusive B Decay Rates
Junegone Chay, Adam F. Falk, Michael Luke, Alexey A. Petrov
Published 1999-07-14Version 1
We explore the theoretical feasibility of extracting V_ub from two ratios built from B meson inclusive partial decays, R_1 = Gamma(b-> u cbar s)/3Gamma(b -> c l nu), and R_2 = [Gamma(b -> c X) - Gamma(b -> cbar X)]/Gamma(b -> c ubar d). We discuss contributions to these quantities from perturbative and nonperturbative physics, and show that they can be computed with overall uncertainties at the level of 10%.
Comments: 19 pages, 8 embedded EPS figures, uses REVTeX
Journal: Phys.Rev.D61:034020,2000
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: decay rates, phenomenology, meson inclusive partial decays, ratios built, overall uncertainties
Tags: journal article
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