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The Production of Charginos/Neutralinos and Sleptons at Hadron Colliders

W. Beenakker, M. Klasen, M. Krämer, T. Plehn, M. Spira, P. M. Zerwas

Published 1999-06-09Version 1

We analyse the production of charginos/neutralinos and sleptons at the hadron colliders Tevatron and LHC in the direct channels: $p\bar{p}/pp \to \tilde{\chi}_i \tilde{\chi}_j + X$ and $\tilde{\ell} \bar{\tilde{\ell}'} +X$. The cross sections for these reactions are given in next-to-leading order SUSY QCD. By including the higher-order corrections, the predictions become theoretically stable, being nearly independent of the factorization and renormalization scales. Since the corrections increase the cross sections, the discovery range for these particles is extended in the refined analysis.

Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, RevTeX3.1, 6 figures included
Journal: Phys.Rev.Lett.83:3780-3783,1999; Erratum-ibid.100:029901,2008
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex
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