CP Asymmetry for Inclusive Decay $B \to X_d + γ$ in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
H. H. Asatryan, H. M. Asatrian
Published 1999-06-02, updated 1999-08-20Version 2
We study the inclusive rare decay $B\to X_d+\gamma$ in the supergravity inspired Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and compute the CP-asymmetry in the decay rates. We show that there exist two phenomenologically acceptable sets of SUSY parameters: for one set the CP-asymmetry has the same (positive) sign as in the Standard Model and lies in the range (5-45)% while for the other set it is negative with values within -(2-21)%.
Comments: 15 pages, uses axodraw.sty
Journal: Phys.Lett. B460 (1999) 148-156
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: cp asymmetry, inclusive decay, inspired minimal supersymmetric standard model, supergravity inspired minimal supersymmetric standard, rare decay
Tags: journal article
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