Comment on ``Mixing and Decay Constants of Pseudoscalar Mesons''
Published 1999-03-22Version 1
The key assumption used recently by Feldmann, Kroll and Stich [Phys.Rev. D58, 114006 (1998)] that the decay constants f_\eta, and f_\eta ' of the respective eta and eta ' mesons in the quark flavor basis follow the pattern of strange and non--strange quarkonia mixing in their wave functions, is reproduced in identifying the non-isotriplet part of the strong neutral axial current with the genuine axial hypercharge current J_{\mu, 5}^Y =\bar q \gamma_\mu\gamma_5 Y/2 q, where Y=C+S+B is defined by the Gell-Mann-Nakano-Nishijima relation as the sum of charm (C), strangeness (S), and baryon (B) quark quantum numbers. The inequivalence between octet and hypercharge axial currents is pointed out.
Comments: RevTex, 2 pages
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