Semirelativistic Treatment of Bound States
Wolfgang Lucha, F. F. Schoberl
Published 1998-12-15Version 1
This talk reviews several aspects of the "semirelativistic" description of bound states by the spinless Salpeter equation (which represents the simplest equation of motion incorporating relativistic effects) and, in particular, presents or recalls some very simple and elementary methods which allow to derive rigorous statements on the corresponding solutions, that is, on energy levels as well as wave functions. In principle, these methods work for all physical situations which may be formulated as an eigenvalue problem.
Comments: LaTeX, 18 pages; invited talk by W. Lucha at the Symposium on "Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei" (202. WE-Heraeus Seminar), September 14 - 19, 1998, Rothenfels Castle, Oberwoelz, Austria
Journal: Int.J.Mod.Phys.A14:2309-2334,1999
Keywords: bound states, semirelativistic treatment, motion incorporating relativistic effects, talk reviews, methods work
Tags: journal article
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