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The $0^{++}$ and $0^{-+}$ mass of light-quark hybrid in QCD sum rules

Tao Huang, Hongying Jin, Ailin Zhang

Published 1998-09-11Version 1

We calculate masses of the light-quark hybrid mesons with the quantum number $0^{++}$ and $0^{-+}$ by using the QCD sum rules. Two kinds of the interpolated currents with the same quantum number are employed. We find that the approximately equal mass is predicted for the $0^{-+}$ hybrid state from the different current and the different mass is obtained for the $0^{++}$ hybrid state from the different current. The prediction depends on the interaction between the gluon and quarks in the low-lying hybrid mesons. The mixing effect on the mass of the light-quark hybrid meson through Low-energy theorem has been examined too, and it is found that this mixing shifts the mass of hybrid meson and glueball a little.

Comments: 11 pages, Latex, 5 ps figures
Journal: Eur.Phys.J.C8:465-471,1999
Categories: hep-ph
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