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Properties of the B_{C} System

Lewis P. Fulcher

Published 1998-08-27Version 1

I summarize a comprehensive account of the energies, splittings and electromagnetic decays of the low-lying states of the bottom charmed meson system. Richardson's potential is used to include running coupling constant effects in the central potential, and the full radiative one-loop expressions derived by Pantaleone, Tye and Ng are used for the spin-dependent potentials. Our result for the ground state energy is 6286 +15 -6 MeV. The ground state lifetime is found to be 0.36 + 0.05 - 0.05 ps. Both of these numbers are consistent with the measured values recently announced by the CDF collaboration at Fermilab.

Comments: Prepared for the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Newport News, Virginia, June 1998. 4 pages with 2 postscript figures. requires epsfig and worldsci.sty
Categories: hep-ph
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