Pion-Pion Scattering in Two Dimensions
D. Delphenich, J. Schechter, S. Vaidya
Published 1998-06-12, updated 1998-06-26Version 2
Massive two-flavor QED_2 is known to have many similarities to the two-flavor QCD_4. Here we compare the \pi-\pi scattering amplitudes (actually an analog process in QED_2) of the two theories. The QED_2 amplitude is computed from the bosonized version of the model while the QCD_4 amplitude is computed from an effective low energy chiral Lagrangian. A number of interesting features are noted. For example, the contribution of the two-dimensional Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) term in QED_2 is structurally identical to the vector meson exchange contribution in QCD_4. Also it is shown that the QED_2 amplitude computed at tree level is a reasonable approximation to the known exact strong coupling solution.