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Direct CP Violation in B -> X_s gamma Decays as a Signature of New Physics

A. L. Kagan, M. Neubert

Published 1998-03-17, updated 1998-05-15Version 2

We argue that the observation of a sizable direct CP asymmetry A_{CP} in the inclusive decays B -> X_s gamma would be a clean signal of New Physics. In the Standard Model, A_{CP} can be calculated reliably and is found to be below 1% in magnitude. In extensions of the Standard Model with new CP-violating couplings, large CP asymmetries are possible without conflicting with the experimental value of the branching ratio for the decays B -> X_s gamma. In particular, large asymmetries arise naturally in models with enhanced chromo-magnetic dipole operators. Some generic examples of such models are explored and their implications for the semileptonic branching ratio and charm yield in B decays discussed.

Comments: several references added and some numerical results updated to include QED corrections (version to appear in Physical Review D)
Journal: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 094012
Categories: hep-ph
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