Two--loop integrals in chiral perturbation theory
Published 1998-03-05Version 1
We consider chiral perturbation theory in the meson sector at order $E^6$. In the terminology of the external field technique, the two--loop graphs so generated are of the sunset type. We discuss the evaluation of several of these in the case where the masses of the particles running in the loops are equal. In particular, we present integral representations that are suitable for the evaluation of diagrams in kinematical regions where branch points and cuts are present.
Comments: 28 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures embedded with epsf.sty
Journal: Eur.Phys.J.C6:297-306,1999
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: chiral perturbation theory, two-loop integrals, external field technique, two-loop graphs, sunset type
Tags: journal article
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