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Large N QCD

Aneesh V. Manohar

Published 1998-02-25Version 1

1. Introduction 2. The Gross-Neveu Model 3. QCD 3.1 N-Counting Rules for Diagrams 3.1.1 U(1) Ghosts 3.2 The 't Hooft Model 3.3 $N$-Counting Rules for Correlation Functions 3.4 The Master Field 4. Meson Phenomenology 4.1 Zweig's Rule 4.2 Exotics 4.3 Chiral Perturbation Theory 4.4 Non-leptonic K Decay 4.5 $K-\bar K$ mixing 4.6 Axial U(1) and the eta' Mass 4.7 Resonances and 1/N 5 Baryons 5.1 N-Counting Rules for Baryons 5.2 The Non-Relativistic Quark Model 6 Spin-Flavor Symmetry for Baryons 6.1 Consistency Conditions 6.2 1/N Corrections 6.3 Solution of Consistency Conditions 7 Masses with SU(3) Breaking 8 Other Results for Baryons 9 Large N and Chiral Perturbation Theory

Comments: 1997 Les Houches Lectures. 82 pages, 47 figures
Categories: hep-ph, hep-ex, hep-th
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