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On the QCD analysis of Jet Broadening

Yu. L. Dokshitzer, A. Lucenti, G. Marchesini, G. P. Salam

Published 1998-01-16, updated 1998-02-12Version 2

The perturbative all-order analysis of the jet-broadening B-distribution in the small-B region is carried out with single-logarithmic accuracy, which requires the control of both the sum of the moduli and the modulus of the sum of the transverse momenta of soft gluons. We confirm the master equation for the B-distribution derived by Catani, Turnock and Webber (CTW). Proper treatment of quark recoil is necessary at this accuracy. This effect was neglected in the CTW solution. We show that the answer can be expressed in terms of the CTW result but evaluated at a properly rescaled B value.

Comments: 20 pages, 4 eps figures, includes JHEP.cls; corrected typos in equations 4.29 and 5.7
Journal: JHEP 9801:011,1998
Categories: hep-ph
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