Standard Model with Duality: Physical Consequences
Published 1997-12-18Version 1
The Dualized Standard Model offers a natural place both to Higgs fields and to fermion generations with Higgs fields appearing as frame vectors in internal symmetry space and generation appearing as dual colour. If they are assigned those niches, it follows that there are exactly 3 generations of fermions, and that at the tree-level, only one generation has a mass (fermion mass hierarchy) while the CKM matrix is the identity. However, loop corrections lift this degeneracy giving nonzero CKM mixing and masses to fermions of the two lower generations. A recent calculation to 1-loop level, with just a few parameters, yields a very good fit to the empirical CKM matrix and sensible values also to the lower generation masses. In addition, predictions are obtained, in areas ranging from low energy flavour-changing neutral current decays to extremely high energy cosmic rays, which are testable in experiments now being planned.