Contribution of $b \to sgg$ through the QCD anomaly in exclusive decays $B^{\pm}\to (η^{\prime},η)(K^{\pm}, K^{*\pm})$ and $B^{0}\to (η^{\prime},η)(K^{0},K^{*0})$
A. Ali, J. Chay, C. Greub, P. Ko
Published 1997-12-14, updated 1998-03-01Version 2
We compute the decay rates for the exclusive decays $B^{\pm} \to (\eta^{\prime},\eta) (K^{\pm}, K^{*\pm})$ and $B^{0}\to (\eta^{\prime},\eta) (K^{0}, K^{*0})$ in a QCD-improved factorization framework by including the contribution from the process $b\to sgg \to s (\eta^{\prime}, \eta)$ through the QCD anomaly. This method provides an alternative estimate of the contribution $b \to s c\bar{c} \to s(\eta,\eta^\prime)$ to these decays as compared to the one using the intrinsic charm content of the $\eta^{\prime}$ and $\eta$ mesons determined through the decays $J/\psi \to (\eta,\eta^\prime ,\eta_c) \gamma$. The resulting branching ratios are compared with the CLEO data on $B^{\pm} \to \eta^{\prime} K^{\pm}$ and $B^{0} \to \eta^{\prime} K^{0}$ and predictions are made for the rest.