Nonperturbative Flow Equations, Low-Energy QCD and the Chiral Phase Transition
D. _U. Jungnickel, C. Wetterich
Published 1997-10-18Version 1
We review the formalism of the effective average action in quantum field theory which corresponds to a coarse grained free energy in statistical mechanics. The associated exact renormalization group equation and possible nonperturbative approximations for its solution are discussed. This is applied to QCD where one observes the consecutive emergence of mesonic bound states and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking as the coarse graining scale is lowered. We finally present a study of the chiral phase transition in two flavor QCD. A precision estimate of the universal critical equation of state for the three-dimensional O(4) Heisenberg model is presented. We explicitly connect the O(4) universal behavior near the critical temperature and zero quark mass with the physics at zero temperature and a realistic pion mass. For realistic quark masses the pion correlation length near $T_c$ turns out to be smaller than its zero temperature value.