Exclusive Nonleptonic Decays of Bottom and Charm Baryons in a Relativistic Three-Quark Model: Evaluation of Nonfactorizing Diagrams
M. A. Ivanov, J. G. Korner, V. E. Lyubovitskij, A. G. Rusetsky
Published 1997-09-17, updated 1998-01-09Version 2
Exclusive nonleptonic decays of bottom and charm baryons are studied within a relativistic three-quark model with a Gaussian shape for the momentum dependence of the baryon-three-quark vertex. We include factorizing as well as nonfactorizing contributions to the decay amplitudes. For heavy-to-light transitions Q -> q u d the total contribution of the nonfactorizing diagrams amount up to approximately 60% of the factorizing contributions in amplitude, and up to approximately 30% for b -> c u d transitions. We calculate the rates and the polarization asymmetry parameters for various nonleptonic decays and compare them to existing data and to the results of other model calculations.