HERA Data and Leptoquarks in Supersymmetry
Published 1997-08-22Version 1
I present a concise review of the possible evidence for new physics at HERA and of the recent work towards a theoretical interpretation of the signal. It is not clear yet if the excess observed at large Q^2 is a resonance or a continuum (this tells much about the quality of the signal). I discuss both possibilities. For the continuum case one considers either modifications of the quark structure functions or contact terms. In the case of a resonance, a leptoquark, the most attractive possibility that is being studied is in terms of s-quarks with R-parity violation. In writing this script I updated the available information to include the new data and the literature presented up to August 1, 1997.
Comments: 10 pages, LaTeX, uses fleqn,twoside,espcrc2, Talk given at SUSY'97
Journal: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 62 (1998) 3-12
Categories: hep-ph
Tags: journal article
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