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Non-Decoupling Effects of Higgs Bosons on $e^+e^- \to W^+_LW^-_L$ in the Two-Doublet Model

Shinya Kanemura, Hide-Aki Tohyama

Published 1997-07-24, updated 1997-10-06Version 2

The non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons on the process $e^+e^- \to W^+_LW^-_L$ are discussed in the two Higgs-doublet model. The one-loop corrections to the cross section are calculated by using the equivalence theorem and the explicit expressions of its deviation from the standard model are derived. The leading mass contributions to the deviation in expansion by $s$ are related to the $T$ parameter by the low-energy theorem. The next-to leading ones are free from the present data, which should be determined by future experiments. The deviation can amount to $\sim 3$ % at $\sqrt{s} = 1$ TeV under the constraint from the present data, so that it may give useful information on the Higgs sector in cooperation with data from future linear colliders.

Comments: 18 pages, Latex file with 2 eps-files
Journal: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 2949-2956
Categories: hep-ph
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