Domain Walls and Vortices with Non-Symmetric Core
Minos Axenides, Leandros Perivolaropoulos
Published 1997-06-03Version 1
We review recent work on a new class of topological defects which possess a nonsymmetric core. They arise in scalar field theories with global symmetries, U(1) for domain walls and SU(2) for vortices, which are explicitly broken to $Z_2$ and U(1) respectively. Both of the latter symmetries are spontaneously broken. For a particular range of parameters both types of defect solutions are shown to become unstable and decay to the well known stable walls and vortices with symmetric cores.
Comments: 11 pages including 7 embedded postscript figures, use latex with ppeuc.sty (included). see also Talk presented at the Particle Physics and the Early Universe Conference at the University of Cambridge, 7-11 April 1997
Keywords: domain walls, non-symmetric core, scalar field theories, global symmetries, symmetric cores
Tags: conference paper
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