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$β$-functions in large-$N_f$ supersymmetric gauge theories

P. M. Ferreira, I. Jack, D. R. T. Jones, C. G. North

Published 1997-05-15Version 1

We present calculations of the leading and $O(1/N_f)$ terms in a large-$N_f$ expansion of the $\beta$-functions and anomalous dimensions for various supersymmetric gauge theories, including supersymmetric QCD. In the case of supersymmetric QCD, we show that our $O(1/N_f)$ approximation displays an infra-red fixed point in the conformal window $3N_c/2 < N_f < 3N_c$.

Comments: 22 pages, tex, 7 figures. Uses harvmac and epsf
Journal: Nucl.Phys. B504 (1997) 108-126
Categories: hep-ph
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