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Decay Widths of Excited Heavy Mesons From QCD Sum Rules at the Leading Order of HQET

Yuan-ben Dai, Chao-shang Huang, Ming-qiu Huang, Hong-Ying Jin, Chun Liu

Published 1997-05-04, updated 1998-08-18Version 3

The widths for pionic decays of lowest two excited doublets (0^+,1^+) and (1^+,2^+) of heavy mesons are studied with QCD sum rules in the leading order of heavy quark effective theory. The ambiguity due to presence of two distinct 1^+ states are solved. The soft pion approximation is not used.

Comments: RevTeX, 16 pages including 1 figure; minor changes, final version to appear in Physical Review D
Journal: Phys.Rev. D58 (1998) 094032; Erratum-ibid. D59 (1999) 059901
Categories: hep-ph
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