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Electroweak phase transition and baryogenesis in the MSSM

Mariano Quiros

Published 1997-03-14Version 1

We have analyzed baryogenesis in the MSSM for the light stop scenario, where the phase transition is strong enough first order. We have found that enough baryon asymmetry can be generated provided that the phase of $\mu$ be $\simgt$ 0.01. Constraints from the electric dipole moment of the neutron enforce the first and second generation squarks to have masses O(few) TeV

Comments: 9 pages, latex + psfig.tex, To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop on The Higgs puzzle-- What can we learn from LEP II, LHC, NLC and FMC?, Ringberg Castle, Germany, December 8-13, 1996. Ed. B. Kniehl, World Scientific, Singapore
Categories: hep-ph
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