Consequences of a U(2) Flavour Symmetry
Riccardo Barbieri, Lawrence J. Hall, Andrea Romanino
Published 1997-02-12Version 1
While solving the supersymmetric flavour problem, a U(2) flavour symmetry might be at the origin of the pattern of fermion masses and mixings. The consequences of this hypothesis are spelled out concerning the parameters of the CKM matrix and their observability in B- and K-physics. The relevance of searching for lepton flavour violation and for the electric dipole moments of the electron and the neutron is also emphasized.
Comments: 12 pages, 2 eps figures included
Journal: Phys.Lett. B401 (1997) 47-53
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: flavour symmetry, consequences, supersymmetric flavour problem, electric dipole moments, lepton flavour violation
Tags: journal article
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