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QCD Corrections to Decay Distributions of Neutral Higgs Bosons with (In)definite CP Parity

W. Bernreuther, A. Brandenburg, M. Flesch

Published 1997-01-22Version 1

We compute the order $\alpha_s$ QCD corrections to the density matrix for the decay of a neutral Higgs boson $\phi$ with (in)definite CP parity into a quark antiquark pair, respectively the QED corrections for the decay into a pair of charged leptons. We classify and calculate single spin asymmetries and spin-spin correlations which are generated by the scalar and pseudoscalar Yukawa couplings. These spin effects can be traced in $\phi \to \tau^-\tau^+$ and, for heavy Higgs bosons, in $\phi \to t\bar{t}$. We also calculate resulting correlations among the final states and estimate, for the respective decay modes, the number of events needed to measure the Yukawa couplings with these correlations at the 3 sigma level.

Comments: 32 pages, REVTeX, uses: psfig,amssym,aps,preprint 14 ps figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 90-99
Categories: hep-ph
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