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Form Factors of Semileptonic $M_{l3}$ Decays

C. S. Kim, S. Y. Choi

Published 1995-12-04Version 1

We study in detail the kinematics of semileptonic $M_{l3}$ ($M \rightarrow M^\prime l \nu$) decay, considering only the new models preserving all the gauge symmetries of the Standard Model (SM), and assuming that neutrinos are massless and left-handed as in the SM. And we present a brief review of the recent theoretical progress on model independent constraints on the form factors of $M_{l3}$ decays using dispersion relations. Finally we review a new parton model approach for semileptonic $B \rightarrow D(D^*) l \nu$ decays, by extending the inclusive parton model and by combining with the results of the heavy quark effective theory. We also obtain the slope of the Isgur-Wise function.

Comments: 12 pages, uuencoded file with ``text.tex" and ``". Based on the invited talk by C.S. Kim at International Symposium on Heavy Flavor and Electroweak Theory (16-19, August 1995, Beijing, China), and at Korean Theoretical Particle Physics Symposium (20-25, July 1995, Jeju Island, Korea)
Categories: hep-ph
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